Maximising efficiency on production lines
Arkema is a world-leader in glass bottle coating technology, not only for bottle makers, but also for beer bottles, non-alcoholic beverages and mineral waters, as well as users of returnable bottles:
- Certincoat® and Tegoglas® are two glass surface treatment technologies, which are applied during the manufacturing of new bottles in order to make their surface more durable and scratch-resistant.
- The use of Opticoat® masking coating in combination with Kercoat® protection technology in bottling chains significantly increases the lifespan of returnable bottles, up to almost 50 cycles, which is roughly three times longer than bottles not protected by the treatment. This is accomplished by protecting returnable bottles against scratches and marks and masking them when they do appear.

Coatings for glass manufacturers
Arkema is committed to providing glass manufacturers with the best solutions that are customised for their production processes. Glass manufacturers can have access to a wide variety of coatings and machinery to help them maximise manufacturing quality and output thanks to the Certincoat® and Tegoglas® grades and the CertinAdvance® system.
Arkema’s brands help the glass industry achieve:
- Protection from scratching and reduction of breakage on conveyer lines
- Durability during transportation and handling
Better lubricity in thin-walled, lightweight glass containers
Flexible cold-end coating for labelling glues.

Glass coating for glass containers
Glass must be flawless when it is delivered to customers because it is a symbol of purity. Glass coatings from Certincoat® and Tegoglas® provide the performance required by glass manufacturers to consistently produce high-quality glassware. Arkema glass coatings are especially well suited to bottle manufacturers as well as those who make glass jars, yoghurt pots, perfume, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical bottles, or even canning jars.

Enquire Now
Millchem is the proud distributor for Arkema in sub-Saharan Africa. Contact us today for more information on these products and how we can help customise a solution that suits your needs.