Essential oils distillery and natural raw materials
Esperis specialises in researching and producing raw materials and ingredients for the cosmetic, perfume and pharmaceutical industries.
Esperis S.p.A. was founded in 1922 by Dr. Adriano Fayaud, after he graduated in pharmacy from the Sorbonne in Paris. He moved from his home country of France to Italy where, as a passionate scholar of medicinal herbs and plant extracts, he was able to study in greater depth due to the rich biodiversity of the different regions.
Throughout his travels looking for new plant varieties he began to open several new distilleries across Italy for extracting essential oils found locally.
Today Esperis offers an extensive catalogue of high quality ingredients and raw materials.
Essential oils
Essential oil is made up of compounds that are obtained from plants through cold-pressing, steam distillation or extraction. They are used in the cosmetics, aromatherapy and pharmaceutical industries.
Plant oils
The wide range of high-quality cosmetic and pharmaceutical-grade refined plant oils can be used in a number of different ways in cosmetic formulas that nourish, restore, sooth, combat wrinkles and more.
Lanolin derivatives
Lanolin, especially hydrogenated lanolin (Lanocerina) is used in the preparation of emulsions, creams, ointments, lotions and conditioners. It has soothing, moisturising and hydrating properties. .
Plant extracts
Esperis plant extracts have a number of uses and the amino acids, vitamins, pectin and trace minerals perform a toning and restorative action.
Fragrances and aromas
Esperis fragrances and aromas can be used in a variety of ways including in the production of body treatments, perfumes, and cleaning products.
Our top sellers
Our company focuses on products for mostly the cosmetic and derma-pharmaceutical industries and these can be tailor-made to meet the customer’s requirements. Discover our specialities.
Enquire Now
Millchem is the proud distributor for Esperis in southern Africa. Contact us today Contact us today for more information on these products and how we can help customise a solution that suits your needs.