Ramsey Chain
Glass Conveying Chain
Ramsey is a specialist in the supply of machine and Cross Conveyor chains used in the handling of container glass. Ramsey’s silent conveying chains provide a durable, flat, and exceptionally smooth conveying surface for rapid, synchronised transport of fragile glass products. They offer an extensive line of heat resistant, non-slip glass and bottle conveyor chains and custom-designed products. Chain options include single pin or two pin joint construction, link-spacer or all link constructions, stainless steel, pin head protection, and widths up to 20 inches (508mm).
Ramsey has supplied glass conveying chain to bottle producers and glass equipment manufacturers for almost 50 years. Today, they offer the widest range of production proven silent glass conveyor chains of any company in the world. From hot end, to cold end, to inspection applications, traditional Ramsey silent chains can be found in production plants throughout the world.
Many glass and bottle conveying customers prefer chains that are designed to reduce maintenance and increase life by reducing some types of chain wear. Lifeguard (Patented), Allguard FX, Sentry, and R-Select (Patented) are glass conveying chains that offer extra wear protection for reducing pin head wear, link tip wear, and chain elongation.
Connecting and disconnecting chains can be greatly simplified with the right tools. Ramsey’s patented RKO tool is equipped with modular guide plates, which allow the tool to be adapted to almost any Allguard or Lifeguard chain. Their unique drive pin connection method and custom backup blocks further simplify chain connections in the field.
Working with glass industry engineers, Ramsey has developed a new solution that greatly extends the life of take out arm drives. Utilising high performance RPV silent chain in place of elastomeric belts, Ramsey take out arm drives can provide more than 10 times the life of a typical belt drive. Available in kit form to retrofit most existing take out arms or as a complete assembly.

Enquire Now
Millchem is the proud distributor for Ramsey Chain in sub-Saharan Africa. Contact us today for more information on these products and how we can help customise a solution that suits your needs.